【英文篇名】Osteotomy and the application of the medpor porous polyethylene flexblock implant in the craniofacial surgery
【作者英文名】WANG Xia; CHEN Yuzhe; QIN Rongsheng; et al. Department of Plastic Surgery; the Third Hospital; Beijing Medical University; Beijing 100083; China;
【文献出处】中华医学美容杂志, Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology, 编辑部邮箱 2001年 02期
期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊
【关键词】截骨; Medpor; 颅面畸形;
【英文关键词】Osteotomy; Medpor; Craniofacial deformity;
【摘要】目的先天性颅面畸形经常表现为上颌骨、颧骨、下颌骨、颞骨和软组织的部分发育不良或完全不发育。本研究探索用人工材料 (Medpor)代替自体组织移植及寻求简单实用有效的手术操作。方法截骨并以Medpor作为填充材料 ,进行多部位 ,大范围组合填充于骨膜下骨与肌肉之间 ,矫治半侧颅面矮小 3例 ,单纯性下颌骨发育不良 6例。结果外形满意 ,面部骨轮廓自然 ,手术创伤小 ,时间短 ,一期完成 ,康复快 ,术后半年随访充填材料稳定 ,无不适感。结论⑴Medpor材料可以大范围、多部位一次组合应用。⑵填充在较深层次 (骨与肌肉之间 ) ,外形更接近自然骨轮廓形态 ,如充填于皮下则材料与皮肤粘连形态不佳。⑶结合截骨矫正 ,可更精确地达到手术所需效果。
【英文摘要】Objective The congenital craniofacial deformities are often manifested as hypoplasia of maxillary, zygomatic, mandibular, temporal and their related soft tissue. This paper is to search for a simple and practical operation by studying the Medpor implantation and observing the postoperative effect. Methods The surgery included both osteotomy and Medpor transplantation as a large scale filling stuff transfer under periosteum for hemifical microsomia(3 cases) and simple mandibular hypoplasia (6 cases) reco…
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