【英文篇名】Implanting hydroxyapatite sphere post-sclerally at the second stage to correct the deformity of anophthalmos after evisceration
【作者英文名】Ma Yongguang; Wang Xia; Li Jianning; et al(Department of Plastic Surgery; 3rd School of Clinical Medicine; Beijing Medical University; Beijing 100083);
【文献出处】北京医学, BEIJING MEDICAL JOURNAL, 编辑部邮箱 1999年 04期
期刊荣誉:中文核心期刊要目总览 ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊
【关键词】眼球内容剜除术; 羟基磷灰石; 无眼畸形; 巩膜后;
【英文关键词】Evisceration; Hydroxyapatite; Anophthalmos; Post-sclera;
【英文摘要】To correct the depression of upper eyelid and anophthalmos after evisceration atthe second stage, hydroxyapatite (HA) sphere was implanted into orbit postsclerally. Operativeprocedure: incision was made on the conjunctiva and Tenon's facia. Afeter wide desection, theremaining sclera was extended and flattened. Then, the sclera was incised into two halvesobliquely between the inner and lower rectus muscles and outer and upper rectus muscles. Aftercutting off the orbital nerve, the HA sphere was placed into t...
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